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The Crowd2map Project aims to help prevent female genital mutilation (FGM) in Tanzania by mapping the locations of rural villages and settlements where this commonly occurs. Rescue teams often get notified about FGM taking place at night with only hours to spare, so the team has to react quickly. The maps are used to aid rescue teams in identifying and navigating to locations of potential FGM incidents and prevent them from happening.

Many volunteers are involved with helping to map rural Tanzania using the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) platform. It is important that the mapping is done in a consistent manner to facilitate an accurate map.

GISCorps volunteers Sharon Omojah from Kenya, Emmanuel Jolaiya from Nigeria, and Katarina Spasenovic from Italy provided feedback to new mappers working on mapping rural Tanzania for the Crowd2Map project. By providing guidance and encouragement on how to properly map buildings and roads and interpret imagery, they helped new mappers improve their skills and increase the accuracy of the OSM basemap in rural Tanzania.

Shows building mapping with Crowd2Map in Tanzania
Mapping buildings with Crowd2Map Tanzania.

The Crowd2Map Project is always looking for new mappers, validators, and people experienced with HOT mapping to help. You can join their Slack channel to start helping to map rural Tanzania.

Crowd2Map Tanzania is a crowdsourced mapping project set up by Tanzania Development Trust, a volunteer-run UK charity established in 1975 to help grassroots projects in rural Tanzania. Crowd2Map aims to put rural Tanzania on the map. Since 2015, they have been adding schools, hospitals, roads, buildings and villages to OpenStreetMap, an open source map available to all, with the help of over 13,500 volunteers worldwide and 1500 on the ground in Tanzania.  With minimal budget and no staff, they have so far added over 4.2 million buildings. In 2017, they were awarded a microgrant by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap to train community mappers in 8 areas of Tanzania, and in 2018 they ran a mapathon as part of the UN general assembly in New York, sponsored by UNFPA.  They have also set up 8 different Youthmappers Chapters in Tanzania, and organized 2 Open Data Day events there, as well as the first State of the Map Tanzania.

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