Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is a global community of volunteers, community leaders, and professionals who work together to create open map data to support disaster response and sustainable development. When HOT launches urgent disaster response tasks that demand a quick response from experienced OpenStreetMap mappers and validators, they occasionally request support from GISCorps.
HOT mapping is a great way to gain experience and contribute to humanitarian efforts on your own schedule and your own terms. Volunteers who contribute to HOT mapping efforts can earn points toward GISP certification or recertification. Be sure to keep track of your start date, end date and hours.
Search for current HOT tasks:
- Urgent Projects
- Projects for new HOT mappers
- COVID19 Projects – Beginner Mapping/Validators
- Tanzania Development Trust (Tanzania) – Beginner mapping/Validators (See also:
New to OpenStreetMap? Here’s how to get started:
- Create an OpenStreetMap account
- Watch these how-to videos
- Read about volunteering with HOT
- Join the conversation in HOT’s Slack workspace and don’t be afraid to ask questions!
- Sign in to the HOT Tasking Manager with your OpenStreetMap account
- Carefully read the instruction for the project you choose.
- When you save your edits, add #GISCorps to your changeset comments so we can track your contributions!
- Can’t tell a track from a path? Learn all about OpenStreetMap feature definitions in the OpenStreetMap Map Features wiki. Be sure to check out the country-specific wiki pages as well, because feature tag guidelines differ by region.