GISCorps volunteers come from all over the world.
At last count, GISCorps volunteers represented over 130 countries (scroll down to see a map of their locations). Volunteers possess a wide range of skills and experience; while many projects require highly skilled professionals, others are appropriate for students who are passionate about GIS and eager to gain experience. Click here to learn more about becoming a GISCorps volunteer.
It was a pleasure to volunteer with Warehouses4Good. GISCorps did a fantastic job matching my skills and experience to the Warehouses4Good's mission scope, and I enjoyed the opportunity to explore and be creative with suggesting and carrying out the possible solutions for their project. It gave me the perfect excuse to teach myself a bit of coding so I could pass on the workflow to the organization.
It is always so fulfilling volunteering for the hurricane PhotoMappers missions with GISCorps! The staff are so supportive -all virtual- and it is rewarding to be part of a cause and group, helping provide geotagged eyes-on-the-ground and visual-voices for impacted areas where otherwise would be tougher to reach or easily overlooked. I enjoy how each experience has helped sharpen my geospatial deductive reasoning skills as well as expanded my network. Whenever challenges presented, I was ever so grateful for the team’s help in resolving them. Knowing that my hard work is reaching those in need really speaks and I’m grateful to take part in the learning experiences. Looking forward to the next opportunity!
I love doing GIS volunteer work. Even though I do it for my regular job, this gets me in a new environment and allows me to shop people what GIS is capable of. I will definitely do more volunteer missions going forward.
I enjoyed working with Inilek and the Oracabessa team. Working together, we really developed some interesting solutions to some of the issues and variables to track and I was very impressed with Inilek’s foresight and willingness to share these methods with other agencies.
As a GIS professional, I’ve been working in the military sector for the past five years. As I began feeling adept in my career, I started volunteering with GIS including becoming a board member of the MT association of GIS professionals, joining committees, and most recently completing a GISCorps project. With GISCorps, I felt that I could challenge myself while contributing to a meaningful project. I was selected to join the Global Surgery and Anesthesia Workforce project and establish a centralized application to display worldwide densities of medical professionals across multiple agencies. I enjoyed the project and will be looking for more GISCorps projects in the future!
I have been in the GIS industry for over 30 years and have been successful in every aspect of it and have made many great relationships. Being part of the GISCorps provides me an opportunity to be able to give back to the GIS community and hopefully share some of my experiences and knowledge while still learning new skills and building new relationships.
I love that I get to use my GIS skills to help make a difference and a positive impact. I can also learn so much from being a part of these missions and meet wonderful people in the process.
Through my volunteer project, I helped the Oracabessa Marine Trust organization design and implement a conservation solution using ArcGIS technology. The solution empowers the organization to protect local biodiversity and maintain community’s natural assets. It has been a privilege being part of a mission that has a direct positive impact on the local environment. If you are passionate about your work, I highly recommend to volunteer with GISCorps.
I really enjoyed my first volunteer mission with GISCorps! I was able to combine two things I’m passionate about: GIS and helping students get more involved in STEM! I didn’t know about GIS until I was a junior in college, so it’s great to see high school students using the software and hope to see that trend continue. Looking forward to the next volunteer mission!
Working with the United Way Bay Area team- they were very supportive. We met weekly reviewing the work done and set tasks for the coming week(s). The feedback was also good, especially in regards to the training session that was conducted. The training was conducted via Microsoft Teams and was recorded for future reference. Communication was great and the information and project outcome was well received.
Volunteering with the GISCorps and the Novato Historical Guild has been an amazing and rewarding experience. I gained new insight into different perspectives on user experience and StoryMaps, as well as received a crash course into the history of Novato and its citizens. I appreciate the opportunity to have worked with such motivated and delightful people over at NHG, as well as the opportunity to showcase the power of GIS and how it can be harnessed to tell engaging and interesting stories.
Volunteering with GISCorps has been a goal of mine for a while. I think they do amazing work for communities and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share my GIS knowledge in a way that allowed me to contribute to a community in a positive way.
Volunteering with GISCorps has been a great opportunity for me to offer the skills I’ve developed as a GIS Professional to a nonprofit agency doing hands-on good work in the world. The GISCorps Core Committee ensures that all involved with the project have shared expectations of the project scope, time commitment, and end date. Without their support, it would be much easier for projects to have scope creep or a lack of closure. I’m happy I was able to support the important work of the Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association. If you are a GIS professional in any capacity, I would definitely recommend volunteering with GISCorps!
Volunteering for the GISCorps has been an awesome experience. Working with Holly Torpey on the COVID-19 project was amazing. I had the opportunity to help and make an impact in different communities throughout the USA and its territories. I located and validated data/information, and I mapped testing and vaccination sites available to the public. I just became a member of the Core Committee, and it has been another awesome experience working with such an awesome team. GISCorps is positively impacting public and non-profit organizations, and I am glad that GISCorps has given me the opportunity to serve.
Volunteering with GISCorps and working with Alameda Creek Alliance was an exciting and engaging opportunity to utilize GIS skills and spatial knowledge to contribute to an interesting environmental restoration effort.
I felt incredibly supported by GIS Corps throughout the process. Kelly always checked in on me and made time if I ever had questions or needed clarification. She also put together a great tracking mechanism to help keep me on task with all of the hours and tasks that needed to occur, which was very helpful for my overly analytical mind. Overall, I had a great experience and hope to have time in the future to volunteer for them again!
Volunteering with GISCorps has been very rewarding. It is difficult to stand back as our country faces some very challenging moments due to the pandemic and an increase in natural disasters. I am grateful to have the opportunity to provide situational awareness services during hurricane, tornado, and flooding events by volunteering as a Photomapper. In addition, volunteering with environmentally conscientious organizations, such as the Ward Melville Heritage Organization, has been especially fulfilling.
My experience volunteering for GISCorps cultivated my outlook on contributing to a social environment that nurtures the wellbeing of all - mainly through Disaster Risk Reduction. As a Geologist, I live with values to serve for the benefit of humankind. Because of volunteering with GISCorps, my perspective of being a scientist has developed. Being a scientist is not just about doing novel research, publishing to highly reputable journals, or receiving a Nobel Prize. Fulfillment is the best word I can use describe to the experience I had working with Mountain Province as a GISCorps volunteer.
Volunteering with GISCorps is very rewarding. You use your technical expertise to help society, and in return you sharpen your skills and learn more. Meeting wonderful people from industries all over the world is another exciting part of volunteering for GISCorps.
My first project with GISCorps was the World Health Organization crowdsourcing polio eradication initiative to map all structures in the region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the most recent project was to build an ArcGIS Hub Initiative site for One Shared Story, a non-profit organization...
The other volunteers are so dedicated and kind to work with—this is a really special project and I’m grateful to be able to support it.
I loved how motivated and caring the leads and committee members were, as well as the other volunteers. It was a solely virtual community. No matter what happened throughout that year, whether I was in the middle of the hurricane that I was mapping pictures for or whether I was validating the work of other volunteers, this online virtual community supported each other.
I have enjoyed working on the Photomappers team because I have been able to learn about places that are damaged by hurricanes and how communities come together to prepare and recover from the often devastating storms. It has been interesting to learn about all of the resources used by disaster response teams to identify hot spots of damage and areas of most need.
I volunteer because it is a real joy to help people realize their vision in GIS. The GISCorps team also combines structure with solid leadership and this has made it really easy to focus on the work we are doing.
I had an amazing experience volunteering for my first GISCorps mission and was provided with such great support from the core committee throughout the process! I got the opportunity to assist Mission Blue with enhancing their web presence and bringing more public awareness to their Hope Spots...
Mentoring new mappers and giving feedback has been a learning process, not only for the mentees but also for me as I have learned new hacks in mapping on OpenStreetMap and doing validation. I also found great inspiration from the GISCorps team I worked with.
Volunteering with GISCorps and SAWC was an exciting and rewarding experience – a great way to contribute to a meaningful cause, while expanding one’s own horizons and knowledge. Looking forward to ongoing and future missions with GISCorps!
Although I have not been able to contribute as much as I want to due to work and personal commitments, every project I have had the chance to work on has been such a wonderful experience. Seeing everyone from different parts of the world come together to try and make a difference...
I have always believed in giving back to the community, and I feel honoured and privileged to be part of such a huge and amazing organisation that is always looking outside their boundaries and finding ways to give back. GISCorps is always offering essential help to worthwhile causes...
Volunteering with GISCorps allows me to develop my technical skills further and, at the same time, expand my industry contacts. GIS technology is rapidly evolving and having GISCorps' missions helps provide a focus to learn new (to me) technology and/or workflows...
Early in 2021, I completed a GIS needs assessment for Adventure Scientists, a non profit organization that recruits outdoor adventurers as volunteers to gather the data that scientists need to address critical challenges to the environment and human health. I evaluated the organization’s...
Being a member of the team for the 2019 Crowdsource Hurricane Map and the 2020 Disasters Crowdsourced Photos Map where we geo-locate photos and information for a Situational Awareness Map has been a rewarding experience. I enjoy being able to help others in need remotely...
With the Covid Testing project, we are helping people in real-time. The new testing site we add today could help someone get a test tomorrow. I love working with volunteers from across the country and world on projects and have learned a few GIS tricks that I use at my day job...
I am very passionate about my work because it is focused on what I care most about in life, socio-ecological health. While I have always worked in relevant jobs, my interests are wide and varied, so I've often volunteered my skills to contribute in ways I could not within a given employment capacity...
The COVID-19 Testing Location project was the first project that I've contributed to. I started out searching for sites in the area where I currently am and then began monitoring areas across the country where I've previously lived. Shortly after signing up, a member of my household...
Food Aid Project - Dry Edible Beans Yield Prediction GISCorps is an incredible program to provide valuable aid with your GIS skills. As a volunteer, I was able to support…
Hurricane Florence - 2018, Hurricane Michael - 2018, 2019 Hurricane Season Admin Team, Hurricane Barry - 2019, Hurricane Dorian - 2019 Working with GISCorps on the hurricane story mapping missions has been an…
Charity Co-op, Serve Squad Program This is a truly mesmerizing and fruitful experience. I can’t believe I have gained so much from my first project ever with GISCorps. I had…
Camp Fire Damage Data Consolidation It felt good to be a part of a team trying to help following a huge disaster and make a real impact. When Butte County…
Hurricane Florence - 2018, Hurricane Michael - 2018, Camp Fire Damage Data Consolidation I stumbled upon the GISCorps in the week leading up to Hurricane Florence when we joined forces with…
COVID-19 Testing Site Data Creation, NAPSG crowdsourcing for Hurricanes Florence and Michael; DRC, Horn of Africa, and Middle East polio campaigns I love the collaboration, camaraderie, and convergence of skills,…
GIS Capacity Development in Dzanga Sangha, Central African Republic, 2018 I had read a lot about the challenges of conservation in Africa ahead of the mission, but anti-poaching in the…
Puente Institute/Grand Staircase Escalante Partners Mobile Application 2017/2018 My first GISCorps mission was to develop a mobile app for Grand Staircase-Escalante Partners and Puente Institutes to record observations and disturbances…
Good Seed App Development / 2017 It was a great honor done me when I was given the opportunity to help Good Seed Community Development Corporation. My task was to…
Worldwide Fund for Nature-Zambia(WWF-Z) Interactive Story Maps/2017 I am delighted to receive such a wonderful opportunity from GISCorps to be able to contribute my GIS skills in solving the problems…
Worldwide Fund for Nature-South Africa (WWF-SA) Interactive Story Maps/2016-2017 I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work on this project for one of the world’s largest independent conservation…
MIA Recovery Network – GIS data conversion and web map proof of concept/2016 As my first GIS Corps mission, I was very passionate to do a good job. I am…
Nepal Earthquake 2015 & member of GISCorps' ArcGIS Online (AGO) Subcommittee Like many people that watched the humanitarian crisis unfold after the Nepalese earthquake of 2015, I had wished there…
Geocoding Policy Holders Locations in Guatemala – MiCRO’s Initiative, 2015 & Downloading and Parsing OpenStreetMap data for Syria, 2015 I was content to share my GIS experience for humanitarian and…
Teaching GIS at Kabul Polytechnic University, Afghanistan, 2015 It was a great experience teaching Afghan faculty members who were keen to receive training in advanced GIS and remote sensing techniques. …
Advanced Spatial Analysis & Remote Sensing training for faculty at Kabul Polytechnic University, Afghanistan / 2015 Working with the faculty at KPU was incredibly fun and their eagerness to learn…
World Health Organization Ebola Response - winter/spring 2015 At WHO HQ in Geneva, our GIS Team worked to make the most current spatial information available and intuitive for the response community, partner organizations, and…
World Health Organization Ebola Response - winter/spring 2015 I was one of four volunteers that provided GIS support and coordination to the World Health Organization during the Ebola response effort. Each…
World Health Organization Ebola Response - winter/spring 2015 My mission became a mixture of coordination and collaboration on behalf of WHO with other relief agencies in Monrovia, collection and archiving…
Establishing a GIS Laboratory at Kabul Polytechnic Institute (KPU) in Afghanistan - Summer 2014 This was a fantastic mission that not only served an immediate need in Afghanistan by providing…
GIS Training at KPU (Kabul Polytechnic University) - 2014. The purpose of the mission was to provide GIS and remote sensing training to the staff of KPU, so that they…
GISCorps volunteers assist in Search and Rescue pilot project in California, 2012-2014 I volunteered for this mission since we continue to see the need for integrating GIS into emergency services. Search…
GIS Workshop Taught to SLCS members 2013 Share your experience about the mission: This mission was a combination of a tremendously fulfilling professional and personal experience. I was able to…
Member of the GISCorps Core Committee for the past 5 years Help coordinate recruitment for missions as well as support technology utilized to connect volunteers with sponsor agencies. I have…
World Vision Sierra Leone mission to map Public Health Units and Schools, 2012 The goal of the mission involved the mapping of nearly 200 health facilities and schools within 4…
AllHands Volunteers - Geodatabase & Web Application Development / 2013 The goal of our mission is to design a web-based geodatabase and a web-mapping application for capture, management, and query…
Alabama April Tornadoes with CrisisCommons/2011 It was my privilege to assist GISCorps and CrisisCommons deploy a media monitoring service to aide in the recovery efforts for the Alabama storm victims.
DPRK iMMAP/WFP Project 2012-2014 It is good to know that you can do something to effect change in other countries and to assist even though you cannot be there in…
DPRK Project with iMMAP and WFP, 2013 My first opportunity to take part in the GISCorps mission was very humbling for me especially the importance it has towards assisting the…
DPRK/1 year DPRK is a well organized, large international collaborative effort. It has been a great experience to be a part of such an important project. Volunteering is a great…
DPRK Project with iMMAP/WFP in 2013 & USAID crowdsourcing project in 2012 I am very grateful for the opportunity I got to participate in this noble idea with the profession…
DPRK Starting May 2013 I began digitizing in May 2013, and have increased my skills in digitizing, editing, and topology verification. I am a recent graduate of Portland State University…
(DPRK) Mission with iMMAP/WFP – North Korea/2013-present I was brought onto the DRPK mission in 2013 to digitize different parts of North Korea. I feel very honored and fortunate to help out with…
DPRK (1 month) This is my first volunteer opportunity with GISCorps and I love the experience so far. The work is very interesting and it’s exciting to be part of…
DPRK - May 2013 Only after recently coming on board to assist on the DPRK project (Literally 1 month). I am already pleasantly surprised with the experience of the core…
DPRK, 2012 I find DPRK to be a rewarding experience in that we are creating good, usable data where there was none before. This kind of work is similar to…
GISCorps mission/Year served: DPRK project 2011/2012 The DPRK project may not be the sexiest, most glamorous of missions undertaken by GISCorps, but it's been a terrific learning experience. Besides being…
DPRK, since 2009 This project has been great to work on. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to participate, even though my time has been limited over the past…
GISCorps mission/Year served: DPRK, 1st Mission/1.5 years After seeing the accomplishments made by a colleague and his own professional GIS volunteering, I joined the GISCorps with the hope of helping…
DPRK Project with iMMAP/WFP, 2012 The work has involved digitizing the road network and water features from topo maps. It has given me a real appreciation for the work involved…
DPRK project, since May 2012 and the Sandy MapMill Project in December 2012 I had been willing to be involved in a GISCorps mission since I knew about its existence…
DPRK project, 2012 I am very excited to be engaged in the DPRK project as my first assignment to help the GISCorps. While the one sentence goal of the DPRK project is easy to read…
DPRK iMMAP/WFP project, 2011/2014 I am an engineering geologist and a GIS expert of landslide susceptibility mapping and seismic hazard. I found GISCorps 3 years ago and was recruited for…
GISCorps mission/Year served: DPRK mission since Oct '11 Just getting started!
GIS Mission/Years Served: DPRK (less than 1 year) - since 2011 The volunteer work with GISCorps for DPRK is very fun and fulfilling. Knowing that I'm helping a good cause…
GIS Mission/Years Served: DPRK Project with iMMAP/WFP 2011-2012 I just began work on this mission and so do not have much experience as of yet! I have completed digitizing my…
Mission with FLOSSK – Albania/2010 Our mission was to create the base map of Albanian flooded area and share the information using Open Street Map. By this mission, I had…
Geo-Referencing & Cleansing Election Database – Chad/2010 This project was commissioned by Information Management and Mine Action Programs (iMMAP) who is assisting the Chadian Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) in…
Mission with JAXA – Japan/2011 The GISCorps mission was to analyze satellite imagery to help guide the emergency response efforts for the coastal communities that were either directly impacted by…
DPRK Project with iMMAP/WFP, 2010 The digitization project was both challenging and interesting. I was able to grow professionally by utilizing new skills in completing the scope of the project. …
Earthquake/Tsunami relief mission with Crisis Commons – Japan/2011 It was an invaluable opportunity to use my expertise, knowledge, and professional connections in the efforts to provide assistance to people who…
Identity Inc., Montgomery County, MD/2011 It has been a pleasure working with Identity, Inc looking to see if wealth flight has created an unfair advantage to children within the Montgomery…
Wide Availability Response Project (WARP) – Caribbean with MapAction/2011 To improve operational disaster-preparedness by establishing a swiftly available repository of basic GIS data to support rapid response humanitarian missions from…
Wide Availability Response Project (WARP) – Caribbean with MapAction/2011 My mission was to search for various spatial data for Belize (a small country neighboring Mexico) and collate them based on…
St. Louis County EOC, 2011 During the aftermath of the St. Louis tornados in April ’11, I was happy to offer any assistance I could. After connecting with my local…
Wide Availability Response Project (WARP) – Caribbean with MapAction/2011 Working on this project has been a highly rewarding experience, and indeed will provide value and essential GIS data for emergency…
Provide GIS Training in Afghanistan/2008 My mission was to provide GIS training for faculty and students from Kabul Polytechnic University and Kabul University in Kabul, Afghanistan. The mission went very…
UNOSAT – Myanmar (Burma) Project/2008 It was a rewarding experience to assist other people in the time of need.
GISCorps mission/Year served: Marshall Islands Geospatial Web Application – with GSDI/2006 The mission was not completed since the recipient did not follow up on preliminary report. I’ve been working with…
Katrina – 2005 Worked for 10 days in Wiggins Mississippi two weeks after hurricane Katrina. Helped FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers locate and prioritize those with the greatest…
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation (VVAF) & UN Joint Logistics Center (UNJLC) – Jakarta and Meulaboh, Indonesia/March 2005 I provided GIS support to the United Nations Joint Logistic Centre in…
Katrina Relief Mission - Fourth Deployment Truly a life-changing experience, this was a wonderful opportunity for me to contribute some help to the Hurricane Katrina crisis, and learn from fellow…
Hurricane Katrina Mississippi Mobile GIS Shop – Hancock County ICS/2005 The mission was one of the most dynamic, empowering GIS assignments I have ever had. We mustered in 7 days…
This was a wonderful opportunity for me. I was not only able to contribute my skills and build my teaching abilities through my project with GISCorps, but also add to my resume. Additionally, it was a great feeling to see my volunteer work assist the project organization in real-time. I will definitely be on the lookout for new opportunities that GISCorps may reach out about.
Raina Monaghan, USA – Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning and Development District Phase 2
The opportunity provided through GISCorps really helped me stretch my skills, increase my professional contacts, and have fun applying my skills to real-world problems that make a difference. Thank you!
Shawn Morgan, Canada – ArcGIS Online Training for the Southern African Wildlife College
I believe in social responsibility, as do many people and organisations. However standing by something is a million miles from actually doing something about it, and GISCorps is one of the organisations that is actually making a difference out there. It was truly a privilege and honour to be part of such a mission.
Olinda Mombeyarara, South Africa – ArcGIS Online Training for the Southern African Wildlife College
The effects of natural disasters on local animal populations are difficult to manage. Animals are often left in abandoned homes, shelters, and out in public. Needing an effective strategy to respond to the aftermath of a natural disaster, Animal Search and Rescue (ASAR) reached out to GISCorps for a volunteer and I was fortunate enough to be selected for the position. During that time, I helped build an electronic survey for first responders and a dashboard ASAR can use to coordinate search and rescue efforts. It was a pleasure working with Eric at ASAR and I look forward to seeing this program in action!
Roger Jelinek, USA – ASAR Training and Response
My experience volunteering with the URISA’s GISCorps NASA Covid-19 HAM-SAR project was amazing! It was great to contribute to a project that can have a direct positive effect on the general public. As an added bonus, this project provided the opportunity to stay sharp with my GIS skills. I highly recommend anyone looking for GIS volunteering opportunities to consider GISCorps!
Working with GISCorps and the Green World Campaign was an invaluable experience that I am very grateful for. I was able to apply my skills and knowledge in both GIS and remote sensing to provide guidance with monitoring and evaluating practices to the field team in Kenya, while also providing the team with a way to tell their story using ESRI’s Story Map.
Lauren Connor, USA – Green World Campaign
GISCorps offered me the opportunity to support an important mission and learn new skills. From the beginning, the mission was clearly communicated along with instructions on how to perform the work. Over time, improvements to the instructions were made and clearly communicated, which showed me that the project was actively and effectively led. I always felt like my work was appreciated and look forward to the next volunteer project I get to work on for GISCorps.
Andrew Laws, USA – COVID Testing Sites Data Creation
As a former GIS Manager for a state office of emergency services and a Plans Chief in an EOC, I really appreciated this effort. I’ve seen first hand how disparate GIS capabilities are across the nation and providing a situational awareness platform run by passionate professionals is a great value added to the EM community. It was an honor to be able to support this endeavor.
Stephen Lai, USA – #FireMappers
After losing my job as a result of COVID-19, I was able to put that newfound time into a valuable GISCorps volunteer project that I found to be personally rewarding while making some great personal and professional connections and getting a nice resume boost. Not to mention to value provided to the public by the work we were doing.
Chrissy Livergood, USA – #FireMappers
As a former GISS for wildfires, this allowed me to still be involved with wildland fires and helped me network and collaborate and share ideas that I have experienced in my current position as a state GIS coordinator and with this team or use some ideas in my work with other state agencies. I also share these types of projects when I talk to college students or present at local GIS conferences.
John Watermolen, USA – #FireMappers
I loved being part of this project! Being part of #Firemappers was a fun, challenging, and rewarding experience and something I am definitely glad to have had the opportunity to have participated in!
Tiffany Monicque Lee, USA – #FireMappers
I had heard of the GISCorps in the past, but never thought I could find the time in my busy schedule to volunteer. With Covid-19 shutting down all my hobbies, I finally decided to take the plunge and signed myself up. A few weeks later I was invited to take part in mapping disaster photos for Hurricane Isaias and ended up really enjoying the process and the camaraderie of the other volunteers via the Slack channel. I also love that I have the freedom to work only as many hours as life allows me, and am not tied to a specific schedule which makes it much easier. The work is also highly satisfying knowing that the outcome is having a positive impact on other people’s lives and making disaster response teams more effective.
Alyssia Church, USA – Hurricanes Isaias and Laura Crowdsourced Photo Mapping
This was my first project volunteering with GISCorps and I had a blast! That seems like an odd thing to say while mapping the effects of a natural disaster, but the other volunteers and leaders had such great spirits about the project that it was impossible not to have a good time. I only wish I’d had more time to dedicate, but I’m looking forward to the next project that I can participate in. Having the Slack channel for quick questions and updates was also a great help.
Rebecca Parsons, USA – Hurricane Isaias Crowdsourced Photo Mapping
I am so honored to have volunteered for URISA’s GISCorps to map COVID 19 testing locations across the country. It was nice to know that I was able to use my GIS skills to contribute to a cause larger than myself. If just one life was saved thanks to this project, then the entire effort was worth while! Thanks for the opportunity!
James Taylor, USA – COVID-19 Testing Site Data Creation
Involvement with GISCorps projects is always a meaningful experience, but this one in particular allowed us to engage our practical skillsets and provide a critical service in an otherwise very uncertain and confusing time in history.
Amanda Miner, USA – COVID-19 Testing Site Data Creation
I feel the GOARN ArcGIS training project experience was very valuable to me because I was able to study for teaching a real world issue that could help others display valuable information for the public to learn from. GISCorps and WHO (GOARN partners) professionals in charge of running the volunteer training project did a great job with clear communication on development, course content setup and feedback. I feel very grateful I was able to be a part of this work.
Lisa Silva, USA – GOARN Training
Teaching GIS classes on the WHO-GOARN project was a fantastic experience. GIS is a powerful tool that allows decision makers to make smarter decisions. Teaching these classes gave individuals the opportunity to learn new skills that they can take back to their organizations. These skills will help them fight this virus and save lives. I am thankful that GISCorps allowed me to participate in this project. It allowed me to meet/work with some wonderful people who are making a difference in the world. This was an experience that I will remember for a long time.
Noah Krach, USA – GOARN Training
This was an amazing opportunity. One Shared Story’s positivity and enjoyment for the cause made me feel great about what I was doing. The core committee’s support involved ensuring that each member of the project team were adequately supported and that we had solid communication and cooperation. I am looking forward to participating in more missions from GISCorps.
Bhanu Vedula, Canada – One Shared Story Hub Site Development
GISCorps provides on opportunity for GIS professionals to step outside of their everyday work and participate in projects of great meaning.
Dawn Misura, GISP, USA – South Carolina SAR QA/QC
Volunteering my time for GISCorps was a rewarding effort. Communication from NAPSG, SCERTF, and GISCorps was excellent and made the process go very smoothly. I was also impressed with the use of ArcGIS Online to make all of these web applications that proved to be very useful in emergency response efforts. I’m glad there are resources such as the aforementioned organizations that make it easy for professionals like myself to contribute to a worthwhile effort.
Rachel Passer, GISP, USA – South Carolina SAR QA/QC
I moved from Cookeville to Oregon last month. I had lived in Cookeville for the past 5 years and I still have family in the area. The GISCorps project gave me a way to remotely assist an area that had been a wonderful home to me after it had been devastated by a tornado. The entire project was handled very well and we volunteers were informed on the usefulness of the data we were providing.
Czarinna Clay, USA – NAPSG Tennessee Tornadoes
I am very happy that I had the chance to work on this project. It really surprised me how much that I actually learnt from it. I am looking forward to participating in more missions from GISCorps.
Maggie Peng, Canada – Serve Squad: Smartsheet Map Integration
Working as a GISCorps volunteer afforded me the opportunity to aid in relief efforts from a remote location. I feel that I truly made a difference in the recovery effort and would highly recommend signing up to help with this project.
Johnathan Clementi, USA – NAPSG – Hurricane Dorian
GISCorps remains an awesome and dynamic platform for working towards a sustainable world via spatial intelligence. The experience is worth the time invested.
Imoh Engwoh, Nigeria – Hurricane Barry Situational Awareness
Apply geospatial knowledge to heal the world.
Kennedy Kiema Kandia, Kenya – WHO Kenya Data Cleansing
Volunteering with GISCorps is a great way to use and develop your GIS skills while contributing to a good cause and expanding your network of GIS professionals around the world.
Shannon Cox, Canada – Mountain Rescue Association User Support
It was awesome to use what I do to directly help people get what they need after such a huge disaster.
This was a fantastic experience! Great people, fun problem solving, and to top it all off it was for a great cause. I’ll definitely be signing up to help out with more GISCorps projects in the future.
Tristan Damron, USA – Camp Fire Damage Data Consolidation
Teaching youth GIS empowers them with essential spatial skills that can be used to make a difference in their community, and the world. Volunteering on this project has been very fulfilling!
Haritha Vendra, USA – KidWorks K-12 Education Mission
The planning, preparation, training, and oversight were superb. Everyone who managed and constructed the project deserves immense praise and I feel honored to have worked alongside so many dedicated volunteers from such a wonderful variety of countries. Many thanks to everyone involved!
Andrew Bley, GISP, USA – Horn of Africa Cross-Border Mapathon
GISCorps provided me with the opportunity to apply my skillset in a setting I would have never thought possible.
William Ouellette, Belgium – Capacity Development in the Dzanga Sangha Special Reserve
This was an amazing effort of individuals from around the globe with the common purpose of using geospatial technology with data to aid in eradicating the reappearance of a horrible disease – something that in my heart is what we should do with our GIS knowledge and skills in addition to our normal activities – giving back and using them to do good. It brought tears to my eyes to meet everyone who attended our meeting in San Diego! What an honor and a privilege!
Ellen West Nodwell, USA – DRC Polio Eradication
Every little click counts! This dispersed team proves that point… 100’s of thousands of structure digitized by volunteers in a few weeks’ time. Just amazing!
Carol McClellan, Canada – DRC Polio Eradication
GISCorps gave me an opportunity to use my GIS skills like a superhero would use their superpowers!
Christopher Schuchardt, USA – DRC Polio Eradication
At this point in my life (with a child and a full-time job) I am unable to freely travel or devote lots of continuous hours to a volunteer position, but this project allowed me to provide meaningful help at home on my own schedule.
Jamey Rosen, Canada – DRC Polio Eradication
As someone who had a family member die as a result of polio, it was a good feeling knowing I could help eradicate polio from the DRC.
Kurtis Graham, USA – DRC Polio Eradication
What’s is the value of knowledge/skills we acquire during our lifetime if we don’t use it to help those who lack it or towards are very sustainable safe future?
Davince Koyo Nicodemus, Kenya – DRC Polio Eradication
Its an amazing experience for me and I look forward to future engagements.
Elesho Abidemi Oladimeji, Nigeria – [UN]Cultivated Earth Application Testing
Thank you for providing opportunity to volunteer in remote assistance to those in need. Great that it was put together prior to the disaster so that assistance could be provided and risk assessment could be done ASAP. Great work.
Eleza Boban Kollannur, India – Hurricane Matthew HOT Mapping
GISCorps volunteers are awesome! We learn from each other, we collaborate, and we increase our knowledge and skills while striving to help deliver the best to the missions we are involved in.
Sami Snunu, Canada – OSM Data Processing, Burundi
Mon expérience pour ce projet a été formidable, car en le faisant, à distance mon apport a contribué à sauver des vies.
Abedje Nesit Berenger, Côte d’Ivoire – OSM Digitizing, Sri Lanka Floods
The GISCorps does a fantastic job at bringing together highly skilled GIS professionals to support vulnerable projects in delivering their objectives. Keep up the great work guys.
Jason Wadsworth, Australia – TerraWatchers Archaeological Crowdsourcing
A lot of people claim they have had life-altering experiences, and I can honestly say that working with the South Luangwa Conservation Society on a GISCorps assignment has been one of the best experiences of my lifetime. I am honored and humbled to be able to dedicate some of my professional skills and apply my experience and talents towards the betterment of the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, Africa. The month that I spent with Rachel McRobb and the SLCS team has been an incredible experience. I am so glad that I found GISCorps and was matched up with one of my new conservation heroes, Rachel McRobb – and am proud to call Rachel McRobb and Shoreh Elhami my friends! The world is a safer place for elephants because of these women.
Michelle Kinzel, USA – South Luangwa Conservation Society Training
Volunteered geographic support is very good to increase resilience. Keep going the right way!
Giedrius Kaveckis, Italy – Hurricane Sandy Aerial Damage Assessment
It was the most interesting philanthropy project I have worked on since College. Although simple, it resparked a fire which had been missing. I look forward to continuing with GISCorps as often as possible in the future.
Richard Monteiro, USA – USAID Crowdsourcing
Sharing our time and expertise in support of volunteer efforts worldwide is a professional development goal that all geospatial technology professionals should embrace.
Jason San Souci, GISP, USA – CartONG Vietnam
Cool feeling to sit alone but knowing there are others out there piecing together a puzzle. Hope this helped to also focus on people on forgotten islands afar the main roads.
Karsten Dax, Norway – UNOSAT Myanmar Project
“I feel so happy to work and collaborate with volunteers around the world and to give whatever I can to contribute to the program of disaster estimation after cyclone in Burma.”
Frank Hui-Kuo Yang, Taiwan – UNOSAT Myanmar Project
“It’s very rewarding to know you’re generating data that will be utilized to help so many people. GISCorps is a great way to gain experience in something you might not ordinarily do in places you would not ordinarily know much about. More agencies should take advantage of this impressive resource.”
Matt Pare, United States – UNOSAT Myanmar Project
Being able to help others in need on the other side of the world from my home. I felt like I was giving back to all the people that helped my state (Louisiana) after Hurricane Katrina.
Brad Lynch,United States – UNOSAT Myanmar Project
Helping communities by volunteering with the GISCorps is a great way to get valuable GIS experience. Not only are you communicating with GIS professionals around the world, you are assisting communities in need with valuable GIS information.
Tom Ponte, United States – UNOSAT Myanmar Project
Being in the control room at the State EOC, I experienced the heartfelt appreciation expressed by the Governor and leaders in the Coast Guard, National Guard, Army, Civilian Air Patrol and many others who felt the positive impact of GIS. URISA should be very proud; the GISCorps and local universities, especially Talbot Brooks, should be credited with delivering FEMA’s GIS mission in Mississippi.
Dick Kotapish, USA – Hurricane Katrina Relief Mission