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Mission with FLOSSK – Albania/2010

Takeo Shibata
Takeo Shibata

Our mission was to create the base map of Albanian flooded area and share the information using Open Street Map. By this mission, I had the opportunity to explorer and use a lot of interesting GIS.- Using JSOM and QGIS, I geo-reference the roads and structure.- GIS Data mining/transformation by GDAL/OGR standard tool/command- Using the GIS data, express the map by Mapserver platform and OpenLayers technology – Configuring and Administrating GIS Database using PostGIS

This project was remote basis and utilizing various communication tools, I have the opportunity to share the data and information with other professionals around the world. This was very variable experience and I hope I can get involved in another project soon!

I am interested in two things in GIS. One is the application of GIS to the logistics and smart navigation. One example is to find the best route combinations for multiple stops by multiple cars/trucks with the feedback of traffic information. The other one is to create useful maps for the disaster response, nature conservation, agriculture or scientific usage using the remote sensing data.

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